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Are Interviewers Spying On You Or Your Company?

I am prompted to write about this topic as yet another candidate has shared with me their suspicions around their most recent interview process. I’m confident many will identify with the problem…the elephant in the room no less!
Have you ever gone to an interview and felt that they were interested in understanding more about the nitty-gritty of your job and company than they were about you? They are fascinated by your ramblings about strategy, but when it comes to your personal ambitions they change the subject. How many times have you been asked to write a proposal about what you would change in their organisation, after which they suddenly change their mind about your application?
There is a caveat here…. It doesn’t happen a lot. It certainly doesn’t happen with any of my clients (because they are all great J). But, it does happen.
Potential employers interview someone to gain information from them….
Let’s say you are a Commercial Director. The HR Manager sees that you are too experienced for the role but mentions to their MD that it might be interesting to “have a chat to you in any case.” Now, you might be fine with this, any chance to network and show off your skills is a good one when you are looking for a job, but don’t make the assumption that every interview could lead to a job.
This is great if you are not currently employed and have the time to network. However, for the employed job seeker, every “trip to the dentist” or “ill relative” excuse comes at a price. In that case, the wasted interviews can really start to grate.
So, how can you tell if the company is serious about interviewing you and how can companies demonstrate to quality candidates that there truly is a position to be filled?
Well, to start with, there should be a detailed job description. For the senior roles, it should go into some detail and be specific to your role and the challenges that you will face. Much can be read into the quality of the documentation you receive in conjunction with an interview process.
The recruiter should have full details for the role. They should understand the financial package, the responsibilities of the role and where it sits in the organisation. If they say that the company “just wants to have an exploratory chat”, be on your guard. Yes, exploratory chats can lead to the most amazing of opportunities, so don’t dismiss them, but be aware of the other possibility.
They should show an interest in you, what makes you tick and why you would be a good cultural fit for them. If the interview process doesn’t touch on these cultural questions, I wouldn’t advise spending your time creating any strategy presentations for them.
They should have a process. If they say that they are not sure about the next step or when it might be, you can be sure that the opportunity is less than concrete. Again, not all recruitment happens by strict process, but this is another potential red flag.
More than one person should interview you. Normally HR will play a part, the hiring manager will play a part and for the senior roles there may be a panel interview or a chat with the MD/CEO. If you have only been meeting with the hiring manager, and your “last task” in the process is a strategy presentation, well, draw your own conclusions.
Of course, executive recruitment is significantly more complicated than I have indicated above. You may feel happy with freely sharing information and networking for networking’s sake. However, for those who want to find a job quickly, prioritising your time is crucial. Don’t waste it on activities that aren’t going to lead anywhere!
Over a career spanning 21 years, Greg Tanna has established himself as an executive recruitment leader in the APAC Customer Contact/BPO/ICT/Consulting domain.


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Published on: 25/02/2015

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